I wonder how many UK householders know that part of their electricity bill is a payment to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem? It won’t be immediately obvious to most electricity users why they are paying them, but it’s a royalty payment for the use of Einstein’s image in the rather crass adverts which the Government uses in an attempt to persuade everyone to have a smart meter fitted. It’s only one of an increasing number of invisible charges added to electricity bills to persuade users that they should support the Government’s fast-track approach to net zero.
The campaign’s not working very well, which should be worrying Mr Miliband and his band of merry net zero mandarins at DESNZ (the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero). So far, the Smart Metering marketing campaign has spent about £500 million trying to persuade us to do something which is free. If the UK is going to meet the Government’s decarbonisation targets for home energy, their next task is to persuade us all to sign up for something which will cost millions of home owners tens of thousands of pounds each. The prospects are not looking good.